
Achievement Goal Theory ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Achievement  goals  refer  to  the  aim,  purpose,  or focus  of  a  person’s  achievement  behavior.  These goals  are  dynamic  cognitive  entities  representing future-based  possibilities  that  respond  to  changes in the person as well as the situation. They do not refer strictly to the level of aspired performance (as in  the  goal-setting  literature)  but,  rather,  to  how

Attribution Theory in Sport ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Attributions are explanations about why particular performances  or  behaviors  have  occurred.  When faced  with  important,  negative,  novel,  or  unexpected  events,  individuals  search  for  meaningful explanations for the causes of those events. In this regard, it is widely acknowledged that attributions are  an  area  of  importance  in  the  field  of  applied psychology because of their implications

Attachment Theory And Coaching ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

The aim of attachment theory has largely been to explain  how  relationships  with  parents  in  childhood  have  such  a  persistent  effect  on  personality development. The focus of attachment theory has subsequently been extended from child to adolescent  and  adult  development  and  social  relationships  within  the  context  of  both  contemporary personality and social psychology. Attachment has

Interdependence Theory ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

In sport, and sport coaching more specifically, the connection  between  coach  and  athlete  is  instrumental  for  optimal  functioning,  be  it  physical, psychological,  mental,  or  social.  In  fact,  there  is strong evidence to suggest that success in sport is the product of the combined interrelating between the coach and the athlete. Athletes are unlikely to produce

Erikson’s Theory of Development

Erik Erikson set forth a theory of ego identity development to account for the interactions between psychological, social, historical, and developmental factors in the formation of personality. Perhaps no single theoretician has had a greater impact on the way we perceive adolescent identity development than E. H. Erikson. His writing seems timeless, and ideas from

Theory of Planned Behavior

The theory of planned behavior (TPB) is one of a class of related theories of behavior change. The theory was developed by Icek Ajzen (1985, 1991) as an extension of the theory of reasoned action (TRA; Fishbein & Ajzen 1975), itself a model of behavior change. The TRA originated as a solution to the problem

Dual Coding Theory

In the typical demonstration of dual coding, a list consisting of an equal number of pictures and words is presented to study participants. On encountering an item in the list, the study participant is asked to read the word or name the picture. Later, when the items are recalled, twice as many pictures than words

Feminist Theory and Domestic Violence

Feminist theory is a body of literary, philosophical, and sociological analysis that explores the inequality that exists between men and women in societies around the world. Specifically, this theoretical body of knowledge examines gender-based aspects that affect politics, power relations, and sexuality. Feminist theory consists of numerous subcategories that explain gender disparity through differing causal

Сue Utilization Theory – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

Whether  out  of  envy  or  admiration,  people  have long  been  fascinated  by  the  extraordinary  skills of  champion  athletes  such  as  Roger  Federer  (tennis), Michael Phelps (swimming), and Lionel Messi (soccer).  Building  on  this  interest,  recent  years have  witnessed  increasing  collaboration  among researchers  from  cognitive  psychology,  sport  psychology,  and  cognitive  neuroscience  in  studying  the  mental  and 

Attention Theory in Sport – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

Every waking moment we face an important selection problem. How do we pick some information for further processing while ignoring almost everything else? This problem is not easy to solve given the  brevity  and  fragility  of  our  working  memory (the  mental  system  that  regulates  our  conscious awareness)  and  the  all  but  unlimited  array  of information 

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