
Training and Skills for Profilers

This article delves into the critical realm of criminal profiling within the US criminal justice system, elucidating the multifaceted landscape of training and skills required for proficient profiling. The introduction elucidates the definition and significance of criminal profiling, framing its role in criminal investigations. The subsequent section meticulously explores the structured training avenues for aspiring

Training of Eyewitnesses

The ability to accurately recognize others is important to everyone, particularly because important social, personal, physical, and economic resources are uniquely associated with individual persons. The recognition training that most people experience comes with everyday social interaction, containing the incentives within their social environment. The ecology of personal recognition and the social-cognitive processes through which

Police Training and Evaluation

Police training is a process by which teachers communicate to police personnel job-related knowledge and skills and assist them in mastery of the material. Training occurs at recruit, field, and in-service levels. Sworn police personnel, nonsworn personnel, or police psychologists, who have special knowledge of police behavior, present the training topics. Psychological knowledge, in part

Professional Training ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Individuals  preparing  for  a  career  in  sport  and exercise  psychology  (SEP)  have  traditionally  followed  one  of  two  educational  paths,  training  in kinesiology  or  training  in  psychology.  In  keeping with  most  international  credentialing  guidelines for certification or licensure of SEP professionals, both educational paths typically feature substantial coursework  in  the  other  discipline,  reflecting  the interdisciplinary  nature 

Training and Development

Training and development (T&D) activities identify and ensure, through planned learning programs, the development of key competencies that enable individuals to perform to the best of their ability, aptitude, and attitude on the job. The T&D functions have evolved to contend with and respond to social and economic events, as well as being highly influenced

Resistance Training ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Resistance training (RT), also commonly  referred to as strength training or weight training, is a form of  anaerobic  exercise  that  utilizes  external  resistance  of  varying  loads  to  improve  musculoskeletal fitness. Compared with aerobic exercise, there are  significantly  more  variables  to  consider  when structuring  an  appropriate  RT  bout  or  program. Some of these prescription considerations include

On-The-Job Training

On-the-job training, often referred to as OJT, occurs whenever more experienced employees teach less experienced employees how to do one or more of the tasks of a job. It is practical, hands on, and found in all organizations at almost every level. On-the-job training is the single most commonly used training method in organizations today. The

Simulation Training ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Simulation  training  is  a  popular  technique  used in  many  domains,  including  aviation,  the  military,  medicine,  music  and  theatre,  and  sport.  It can  be  described  as  training  or  practicing  under conditions that are reflective of performing under pressure.  Whether  this  is  to  practice  performing lifesaving surgery, rehearse a new dance piece, or preview  the  atmosphere  of 

Attention Training ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

The  term  attention  denotes  the  process  by  which we exert mental effort in focusing either on specific features  of  the  world  around  us  or  on  our  own thoughts and feelings. An example would be a soccer goalkeeper who is preparing to defend against a  corner  kick  from  the  opposing  team  must  pay attention  to  the 

Self-Awareness Training ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Self-awareness refers to the ability to make oneself the object of one’s own attention. This self-reflexive quality of consciousness has been the focus of considerable research within the cognitive, social, and  sport  psychology  (SP)  domains  over  the  past 50  years.  Originating  from  this  research,  a  theory  of  self-awareness  emerged  from  the  work  of Thomas  Shelley 

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