
NCLB and School Violence

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) had its origin in the July 1998 U.S Department of Education rule called the principles of effectiveness. This rule, which was passed in light of a spike in youth drug use in the 1990s, required school districts receiving state funding to plan and evaluate their drug

Domestic Violence in the Workplace

All too often the media does not cover incidents in which domestic violence spills over into the workplace; hence the public and policymakers are unaware of the numerous acts of domestic violence that are committed in workplaces. Furthermore, work colleagues, and even employers, are rarely aware of the many ways domestic violence impacts their workplaces.

Domestic Violence in Military Families

The Defense Task Force on Domestic Violence, in its 2001 report, made it clear that services to prevent the ongoing escalation of domestic violence in military families were insufficient. It made over two hundred suggestions to improve both the quality and the quantity of the military’s response to domestic violence. It recommended that the Department

Domestic Violence Asylum

The Case of Rodi Alvarado In Guatemala in 1984, at age sixteen, Rodi Alvarado married Francisco Osorio, twenty-one, a former soldier. He became violent almost immediately and abused her for ten years without respite. He dislocated her jawbone, kicked her violently, and raped her repeatedly. Once she attempted suicide. The Guatemalan police and courts refused

Domestic Violence and Law Enforcement Training

This research paper discusses law enforcement training practices for handling domestic violence cases. It covers three broad topics: definitions of relevant terms, current training practices, and future training practices. It will begin with definitions of terms such as child abuse, domestic violence, elder abuse, and spousal abuse. However, realizing that there are many controversies as

ADHD and School Violence

Attention-deficit disorder (ADD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are among the most frequent diagnoses in child and adolescent psychiatry. Diagnosis for these disorders began around 1980. Before that time, they were called different things, such as hyperkinetic disorder. In 1987, the American Psychiatric Association added ADHD to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. A

Domestic Violence by Law Enforcement Officers

Society has now come to the knowledge that domestic violence is a serious preventable crime. Researchers have concluded that domestic violence crosses all socioeconomic classifications. A rich man may beat his wife in the same way that a poor man does. Society also has come to understand that a person in any profession, whether a

Domestic Violence, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity

Domestic violence first became a focal point of public and professional attention in the 1970s, but issues impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people (LGBT) have only slowly drawn the attention of domestic violence advocates. The growth of the lesbian and gay community in the 1980s, rooted in social activism and civil rights struggles, paved

Domestic Violence Courts

Since the 1990s, a variety of legal responses to domestic violence have been adopted, including mandatory arrest policies and specialized prosecution units. Simultaneously, victim advocates have developed shelters and supportive programs for victims and children, and worked with other partners to create community interventions with the dual goals of protecting victims and decreasing abuse by

School Violence in Asia

Asia is the world’s largest continent, home to 4 billion people residing in 47 different countries. These countries maintain a wide variety of school systems and experience vastly different rates of overall crime in society, making it difficult to generalize about school crime and violence across the continent as a whole. Some of the national

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