
Risk Assessment and Violence Prediction

Another topic related to psychopathy and central to clinical forensic psychology is risk assessment. Risk assessment was more commonly referred to as violence prediction because the primary focus for forensic psychologists was predicting whether a particular person would become violent. However, risk assessment is not simply about making a forced choice about whether a particular

Classification of Violence Risk

The Classification of Violence Risk (COVR) is an interactive software program designed to estimate the risk that an acute psychiatric patient will be violent to others over the next several months. Using a laptop or a desktop computer, COVR guides the evaluator through a brief chart review and a 10-minute interview with the patient. COVR

Domestic Violence Screening Instrument

The Domestic Violence Screening Instrument (DVSI and DVSI-R versions) was designed to assess the risk of repeated domestic violence in the future on the basis of information available at the time of use. The DVSI was originally created by the Division of Probation Services in Colorado. It was crafted as a short, easy criminal records

HCR-20 Violence Risk Assessment Scheme

The HCR-20 Violence Risk Assessment Scheme is a 20-item violence risk assessment tool, accompanied by a 97-page user’s manual. It is intended to structure clinical decisions about the risk for violence posed by adult forensic psychiatric patients, civil psychiatric patients, and criminal offenders (whether mentally disordered or not). The HCR-20 is relevant to the field

MacArthur Violence Risk Assessment Study

Violence risk assessment is now widely assumed by policy makers and the public to be a core skill of the mental health professions and plays a pivotal role in mental health law throughout the world. Dangerousness to others is a principal standard for inpatient commitment, outpatient commitment, and commitment to a forensic hospital. The imposition

Sexual Violence Risk-20

The Sexual Violence Risk-20 (SVR-20) is a set of structured professional judgment guidelines for conducting sexual violence risk assessments in criminal and civil forensic contexts. The SVR-20 is not a quantitative test that yields norm-referenced or criterion-referenced scores. Rather, it was developed as an aide memoire to help systematize the risk assessment of individuals who

Domestic Violence

Every family has conflict, but families differ in the ways they resolve arguments, disputes, and disagreements. For some families and couples, attempts to settle differences can escalate into domestic violence, typically perpetrated by one family member. Domestic violence is either the occurrence or a pattern of abusive and coercive behaviors, including physical, sexual, and psychological

Media Violence and Aggression

Media Violence Definition Media violence includes all forms of mass communication that depict the threat to use force, the act of using force, or the consequences of the use of force against animate beings (including cartoon characters or other species as well as humans). There are many forms of media, including TV programs, movies, video

Sexual Violence

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have developed uniform, nonlegal definitions for sexual violence and related terms in an effort to standardize the reporting and study of these crimes. Inclusionary criteria are broad and divide these crimes into five categories, which include (1) completed nonconsensual sex acts, including penetration, to any degree, of

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