
Women’s Studies

Women’s Studies examines the scholarship and theory on the history, status, contributions, and experiences of women in diverse cultural communities, and on the significance of gender as a social construct and as an analytical category. Women’s Studies challenges the gendered knowledge base that was assumed to be universal. As an interdisciplinary course of study, Women’s

Women’s Movement and the Media

In the US, as in many other western countries, the link between the media and organized feminism goes back to the establishment of what in the west has been called “first wave feminism” in the nineteenth century. At the famous 1848 Women’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, NY the organizer Elizabeth Cady Stanton sought to

Women’s Health ⋆ Health Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Virtually every woman can expect to experience at least one chronic illness or disorder in her lifetime, and the incidence of chronic health problems increases with age. By age 55 years, more than 80% of women experience at least one chronic health problem. Major attention to and support for women’s health research has only emerged

Women’s Communication and Language

With the general growth of gender research across multiple disciplines, it is not surprising that issues surrounding women’s language and communication have become a popular area of study. Research in this area has been traced back to a 1664 report that cited differences in speech forms of “Carib” women and men (Jesperson 1922). This research

Women’s Media Genres

Women’s media genres include women’s magazines and romances in print media, the soap opera on television, and romantic comedy in film. They are not generally the corollary of men’s media but defined in contrast to general audience media such as newspapers or “family genres,” including situation comedies, quiz shows, and action series on television. In

Women’s Empowerment

Women’s empowerment is a central concern of the women’s movement. It refers to the general process through which women gain knowledge about the structures that oppress them, and seek to alter the power imbalances in society. Bookman and Morgen (1988: 4) define empowerment broadly as the ‘‘process aimed at consolidating, maintaining, or changing the nature

Women’s Health in Marginalized Communities

This article explores the multifaceted challenges surrounding women’s health in marginalized communities within the framework of health psychology. Beginning with an examination of the socio-economic determinants influencing health disparities, the discussion explores issues of access to healthcare, educational inequalities, and income disparities. Subsequently, the article explores specific health concerns affecting women in marginalized communities, emphasizing

Women’s Health Across the Lifespan

This article on women’s health across the lifespan explores the multifaceted dimensions of female well-being from childhood to advanced age, employing a lifespan perspective within the realm of health psychology. The introduction establishes the significance of studying women’s health and provides an overview of the lifespan approach. The body of the article is divided into

Body Image and Women’s Health

This article explores the intricate relationship between body image and women’s health within the realm of health psychology. Beginning with a comprehensive introduction, the piece defines body image and underscores its pivotal role in influencing both psychological and physical well-being. Divided into three distinct sections, the examination explores the psychological impact, physical health consequences, and

Testosterone in Women’s Health

This article explores the multifaceted role of testosterone in women’s health within the realm of health psychology. Beginning with an overview of testosterone, encompassing its historical context and its pivotal importance in women’s health, the article explores the biological aspects of testosterone, elucidating its production, regulation, and physiological functions. The subsequent section investigates the psychological

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