
ADR in Workplace Disputes

This article explores the role of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the context of workplace disputes within the broader framework of the criminal justice system in the United States. Beginning with an overview of ADR and its historical evolution, the paper examines various ADR mechanisms, including mediation, arbitration, and negotiation, and their applications in resolving

Workplace Stress ⋆ Health Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Due to the increasing amount of time people spend in the paid labor force, there has been widespread interest in the impact that stress at work can have on health. This field identifies job stressors and their effects on individuals and families, investigates the processes that link job stress to health and the sources of

Workplace Romance

The workplace has become a common and natural place for romantic relationships to evolve. It is where most employees spend the majority of their waking hours, and those who work closely together often have a lot in common—they are likely to have similar interests, values, educational and socioeconomic backgrounds, and job pressures. In addition, today’s

Family-Responsive Workplace Practices

Family-responsive workplace practices are employer-sponsored programs and practices designed to help employees manage the demands of work and personal life. Such practices are intended to help organizations in their recruiting efforts, enhance their employees’ work-related attitudes and job performance, and encourage their employees to remain with the organization, all of which can ultimately improve an

Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity has become an important topic in workplaces around the world, as nations experience changes in demographics. Many countries are adjusting to increases in numbers of nontraditional workers, especially women, older persons, and people with disabilities. Meanwhile, due to global economics, industrialized areas are witnessing influxes of skilled and unskilled migrants seeking employment (Cheney &

Workplace Injuries

The term workplace injury refers to any wound or damage to the human body as a consequence of an event or a series of events in the work environment. Events in this definition refer to the manner in which the injury was produced, such as a fall from a ladder or a series of events

Workplace Safety

It is probably reasonable to assume that most employees in the developed world go to work each day in the belief that they can return home safely at the end of their workday. Yet the available data from a number of industrialized countries over the last 15 years suggests that this assumption is questionable. Workplace

Workplace Incivility

Workplace incivility refers to behaviors that people experience at work that are rude and discourteous, and that generally go against norms for mutual respect and dignity. Examples of incivility include being berated for an action in which one played no part, being excluded from a meeting, and having one’s credibility undermined in front of others.

Workplace Romance

The subject of workplace romance is hardly a new one; Robert E. Quinn published his groundbreaking article on the formation, impact, and management of workplace romances in 1977. In 2004 it was estimated that nearly 10 million workplace romances develop annually in organizations throughout the United States. Highly publicized examples include the illicit relationship between

Workplace Accommodations

Workplace accommodations for the disabled are those practices, policies, and procedures put into place by employers to assist in the integration of and participation by disabled people in the workplace. These accommodations are necessitated by national, state, or provincial legislation, such as the Americans With Disabilities Act in the United States or the federal Human

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