Trial Consulting Topics

Trial consulting gained attention in 1971, when “scientific jury selection” was employed by a group of social scientists in the defense of the Harrisburg Seven, a group of war protesters who faced conspiracy and kidnapping charges. Since that time, the field has grown considerably in terms of both the number of professionals in the field and the range of services offered. The educational and professional backgrounds of trial consultants vary, but doctoral-level psychologists make up the largest percentage of consultants. Read more about Trial Consulting.

Trial Consulting Research Topics

The trial-consulting industry is unregulated, and there are no educational, training, or experiential qualifications required to identify oneself as a trial consultant, jury consultant, litigation consultant, or any other associated title. The American Society of Trial Consultants (ASTC) states that its members come from the fields of communication, psychology, sociology, theater, marketing, linguistics, political science, and law. Although there are no state or national licensing requirements, the ASTC Professional Code states, “The trial consultant fully discloses academic qualification and consulting experience to potential clients, specifies the services provided, and identifies the objectives of each consultation.”

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