(Utthita Trikonasana)
- Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)
- Upward
- Forward
- Down
Physical Benefits
- Improves digestion and circulation
- Helps relieve menopausal discomfort
- Relieves symptoms of sciatica
- Stretches the arches, calves, hamstrings, and groin
- Opens the throat, chest, shoulders and hips
- Lengthens the spine
- Stabilizes and strengthens the legs and torso
- Increases muscular endurance
Mental Benefits
- Builds focus
- Develops willpower
- Stimulates the mind
- Relieves stress
- Neck injury (do not look up)
- Low blood pressure
- Congestive heart disorders
- Stand in Tadasana
- Step your feet wide apart. Inhale and extend your arms out to the side. Ideally your ankles should be under your wrists.
- Turn your left foot in slightly; turn your right leg and foot directly out to the side.
- Engage your leg muscles to the bone and draw the muscles from the floor up to your pelvis.
- Extend your left arm directly upward from your shoulder.
- Align your right heel with the arch of your left foot.
- Keep your left and right waist evenly extended.
- Right hand touches the floor directly below your right shoulder.
- Keep your legs engaged. Inhale and extend your spine. Exhale and bend to the right at the waist. Place your right fingertips on the floor.
- Turn your head to look up toward your left thumb.
- Hold for several breaths, then pull your legs toward each other and come out of the pose. Repeat on the other side.
Gentle Variation
Follow steps 1 through 5, but place a block under your hand directly under your shoulder in step 4.
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